ASIS Quals 2017 – DLP – 158 points


You should solve a DLP challenge, but how? Of course , you don’t expect us to give you a regular and boring DLP problem!

nc 28416


Here is the [C]ryptography function

As we can see, that fuction random n and s then compute:

enc\equiv (n+1)^{msg}\; mod\;n^{s+1}

We have:




Take a look at the Pascal’s triangle:


We can easily realize that :


We don’t care whatever the value of X is. We compute:

(a+1)^{n}\equiv a*n + 1\;mod\; n^{2}

 Then, if we have (a+1)^{n} we can compute n efficiently, luckily we already had (a+1)^{n}\;mod\;n^{s+1} with s+1 > 2

Now we compute n:

enc\equiv (n+1)^{msg}\; mod\;n^{s+1}

enc\equiv (n+1)*msg+1\; mod \;n^{2}

where (n+1)*msg+1 is smaller than n^{2} then:


I got the numbers like that


then compute:


I wonder if it was an easy challange or i solved it with a different method. I joked with my friend that was a “paper with one line of code challenge” 😀 😀

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