This year is the second time I participate in the International Students’ Olympiad in Cryptography. The game is over, but the official results still not announced so I am not sure my solution is correct or not. However, I want to write how i found the solution. I will focus on the way to solution, not focus on algorithm because I am a noob. Please correct me if I am wrong in math (and English also, my English skill is very terrible)

This year I solved 4 challenges (maybe, because the result is pending). The solutions are following:

Problem 10: PIN code


We have 2 notes for this challenge:

  • The picture below the task is not linked with the task and was used only for decorative purposes. So, there is no any PIN codes or digits related to the problem.
  • A PIN code is an ARBITRARY number of ARBITRARY length (not 4).

I tried to choose some random value P then calculate the S i realize that most of them are 27, i was so surprised. However, there is something missing at the first time i read the challenge, i read more carefully and i found that the number P is an arbitrary number consisting of a few pairwise different digits in ascending order. Tried again with these numbers, the calculated ​​S​ only had 1 value: 27. At this time, i knew the answer for this challenge but i didn’t know why. With a pen and a paper, i had my explanation:

Assume ​P is a number with 5 digits: P = abcde. We have A = 999*P = 1000*P – P2

The solution of the numbers P satisfied this challenge’s condition will be as same as this one, but i was so lazy to write it generalize so i stopped here and insisted that my teammate (@cothan) help me to do it, hehe. He said that this challenge seem to be a secondary students’ test. Right, it was so easy, maybe it was used to encourage players.

Problem 5: A music lover


There are 2 remarks for this challenge:

  • You should invent a way how to apply one code to another.
  • Some arithmetic operations can also be used.

When i was doing this challenge, i didn’t know where i should begin. Too much thing in one picture:

  • The morse code at the top
  • The table with a lots numbers and letters
  • & symbol
  • A string with 11 letters

but in the description, they said that there are only 2 secret codes we need to know. I tried a lots of way. At the begining, i misunderstood that operator is one of arithmetic operations, it wasted me a lots of time. I found that the morse string and the other string have same length (11). I was sure that 2 strings were belonged 2 secret codes Alex had used. And how about the table, still unknown. Trying to map these 2 strings with the table, i found that the letter O in the second string didn’t appear in the table so the table must be map with the morse string. After decoding the morse string i had STNEKMIHWAY.

However, i hadn’t known that a letter should be map with a number following or all of numbers following jet. If you don’t know which way to the destination, go all the way possible.


I tried to calculate sum of these numbers first, i get a list of numbers:

[4, 7, 5, 25, 25, 10, 4, 3, 5, 0, 6]

then add these numbers with the remain string i got EDVARDGRIEG


No meaning, i tried other way, just used a number following the letter in the table, i got a list:

[3, 1, 2, 8, 9, 2, 2, 3, 5, 0, 3]

this time i got DXSJBVERIED, seem to be better.


I thought that this string should be DISCOVERIED but it was wrong at 3 letters. I tried again, more carefully, but the result didn’t change. I tried some other similar way, still no hope. I wondered if the challenge correct or not. After discussing with my teammates, finally, one of my teammates (@quandoan a.k.a. qd) realized that EDVARDGRIEG is name of composer and pianist, lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll. It is so sad when you find the secret but you dont know it is a secret then you waste the time for the wrong ways. F*ck my life! F*ck my knowledge about music. F*ck my “google search” skill. I hope that there is someone who doesn’t realize that like me, hoho.

Finally i knew that the & symbol was used to seperated 2 secret codes, lol. How noob i am.

Problem 8: Scientists


This challenge made me guess a lots. I tried anything possible, i searched for the biographies of those scientist. I thought about their year of birth, nationality, institution, school, award and honors, field, nobel prizes,….bla bla bla…  .After wasting tons of time, i realized that i forgot 1 important thing: ​use brain. Fresh my mind and return to the beginning, read the description as careful as possible and i found something. I asked myself:

Why called s​et of paramaters How many paramaters in a set? Why the secret was devided into 3 parts? Why a part was encrypted 3 times? One time is enough,… Too much questions so i can’t remember all of them. Just focus on some question above.

  • Why the secret was devided into 3 parts? The parts of plaintext was encrypted with a 48-bits cryptosystem? We need 3 times encrypt the plaintexts with same parameters to attack this cryptosystem?…
  • Why a part was encrypted 3 times? We need 3 ciphertexts of 1 plaintext with different parameters to attack this cryptosystem? This question make me remember to an attack on RSA cryptosystem that i did many times before. New hope.

Checked these scientists’ information again. I looked for some primes. Begin with the year of birth:

Charles Darwin :  1809 –> not prime

Tried with concatenation of the birthday:

Charles Darwin :  1221809 –> not prime

How about full birthday with the format DDMMYYYY

Charles Darwin:               12021809   –> prime
Michael Faraday:             22091791   –> prime
Werner Heisenberg:       5121901     –> prime
Johannes Kepler:             27121571   –> prime
Hans Christian Orsted:  14081777   –> prime
Mikhail Lomonosov:      19111711   –> prime

So magical, the light was right here. It couldn’t be a coincidence. I guessed that is RSA cryptosystem and the attack is using CRT to compute the plaintext which encrypted with small public exponent (e = 3). Check again for the sureness:


This meaned 3 divided phi(n) so i couldn’t compute the plaintext even if when i know phi(n) unless using CRT. No more doubt, almost reached the solution. The last thing to do was recover the plaintext with this such attack.


I also surprised when i did it, lol, so magical.



The property is: Birthday of them with format DDMMYYYY is a prime.
The cryptosystem is RSA, the attack is CRT with small public exp. (e = 3)
The whole sentence is: Mathematics should be studied if only for that it puts the mind in order

Problem 2: TwinPeaks

10This challenge is so complicated for me. It make me waste a lots of papers, maybe a quarter of my notebook :'(. Wrote down, wrong, threw, repeated.

Note for the following sh!t i write:

  • a, b, c, d is the original 32-bits words (plaintext)
  • a’, b’, c’, d’ is the final 32-bits words (ciphertext)
  • + operator is the coordinatewise sum modulo 2 which is as same as XOR operator

Applied tranformation as same as step 3 in the description:

a’ = a + c + S(c + d)
b’ = a + b + d + S(c + d)
c’ = a + c + d
d’ = b + d + S(c + d)

Did this tranformation 6 times i got the final result (other tranformations are not necessary so i will not write here):

a’ = d + X1 + X2 + X4 + X5 + X6    (1)
b’ = c + X1 + X2 + X5 + X6             (2)
c’ = b + X3 + X4                               (3)
d’ = a + X2 + X3 + X4 + X6             (4)


  • X1 = S(c + d)                                  (5)
  • X2 = S(a + b + c + X1)                   (6)
  • X3 = S(a + b + X2)                         (7)
  • X4 = S(b + c + d + X3)                   (8)
  • X5 = S(c + d + X4)                          (9)
  • X6 = S(a + b + c + X1 + X5)           (10)

Combined (1), (2) i got:

a’ + b’   = c + X1 + X2 + X4 + X5 + X6 + d + X1 + X2 + X5 + X6
= c + d + X4                          (11)
==> X4 = a’ + b’ + c + d

Combined (1), (2), (3) i got:

a’ + b’ + c’ = b + c + d + X3               (12)
==> X3      = a’ + b’ + c’ + b + c + d

Combined (3), (4) i got:

c’ + d’ = a + b + X2 + X6                     (13)

This challenge provided a link for testing the encrypt function, but it no longer available. At first, i tried with 128 bits 0 which is 00000000000000000000000000000000 in hexadecimal notation. The server returned 9EB684838EFA7E766FFAA1B6804583D4

Rewrite the fomula:

X1 = S(0)
X2 = S(X1)
X3 = S(X2) = a’ + b’ + c’
X4 = S(X3) = a’ + b’
X5 = S(X4)
X6 = S(X1 + X5)

I knew a’, b’, c’ after encypting 128-bits 0 so i could know X3 (input of function S) and X4 (output of function S). But i couldn’t control this input.

Called this X3 is XXX, i had

XXX = a’ + b’ + c’
= 0x9EB68483 + 0x8EFA7E76 + 0x6FFAA1B6
= 0x7fb65b43

I tried some way to control the input of S function. I spent long time to found out: if i input 4 32-bits words with format:

a = b != 0
c = d = 0

i could control the input of S function. Rewrite the formula:

X1 = S(0)
X2 = S(X1)
X3 = S(X2) = a’ + b’ + c’
X4 = S(b + X3) = a’ + b’
X5 = S(X4)
X6 = S(X1 + X5)

Noticed that this time the value of X3 equal to S(S(S(0))). It is as same as the value of XXX above. I knew this value, i could control the value of b so i could control the input of S function and got the output of arbitrary input (oracle).

At this time, i had an oracle, the remaining problem was how can i recover the plaintext within only ciphertext and an oracle.

Backed to the generalized fomula, tried to do something with these fomula.

Combined (8), (12), i got that:

X3 = S(a’ + b’ + c’)

Similar with (9), (11):

X4 = S(a’ + b’)

(2), (3), (4) ==> b’ + c’ + d’ = a + b + c + X1 + X5    (14)
(10), (14)   ==> X6 = S(b’ + c’ + d’)
(6), (14)     ==> X2 = S(b’ + c’ + d’ + X5)
(5), (11)     ==> X1 = S(a’ + b’ + X4)
(7), (13)     ==> X3 = S(c’ + d’ + X6)

I had an oracle, i had a way to calculate all value (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6), Uh, i had a solution.

Tried to recover the plaintext of the ciphertext 59A0D027D032B394A0A47A9ED19C98A8. To  compute X4, i need the output of function S with the input equal a’ + b’ (0x59A0D027 + 0xD032B394 = 0x899263b3). So i added this wanted input with XXX to get b value:

b = 0x899263b3 + 0x7fb65b43
= 0xf62438f0

then i encrypted f62438f0f62438f00000000000000000. The output could be used to calculate X4. The others were the same.

When i had all values of (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6), it was very easy to compute the plaintext:

a = d’ + X2 + X3 + X4 + X6
b = c’ + X3 + X4
c = b’ + X1 + X2 + X5 + X6
d = a’ + X1 + X2 + X4 + X5 + X6

The plaintext was: 43abeccaa53cb953f35239e79cc900ee



That’s all. My team solved 2 another problems but my teammates did it so i don’t write it here. I only write what i did.

Thanks for the great challenges, i learned a lots . I haven’t tried hard like i did last week for a long time. I hope my boss can’t see this blog because i did those challenge almost the time at the office 😀 😀

I will participate nsucrypto 2018 for sure! 😀

ASIS Quals 2017 – Alice, Bob, and Rob – 202 points


We have developed a miniature of a crypto-system. Can you break it?
We only want to break it, don’t get so hard on our system!

Here is the file.

There are 3 files: source code encrypt.py, encrypted file flag.enc, key flag.pub.

The algorithm is so easy, read 1 byte/time then compute it and ouput 2 bytes. The encrypt algorithm is just convert the 1-byte-plaintext into 2 matrixs then compute the products of the plaintext matrix and the key matrix. The result will be change 1 bit then save as output.

1-byte was encrypted with 4 bits plaintext. We can reverse the algorithm by check all of plaintext available (16 value). We can guess the plaintext by compute the product of the 4-bit plaintext and the key, if the result is different 1 bit with the encrypted byte, then it maybe the correct plaintext with this encrypt byte.

Here my sage script.

And here is my result.

flag (2)


ASIS Quals 2017 – unsecure ASIS sub-d – 132 points

ASIS has many insecure sub-domains, but we think they are over HTTPS and attackers can’t leak the private data, what do you think?

Here is the pcap file.

This pcap shows the traffic of https protocol.


After filter with “ssl.handshake.certificate”, i got 101 different certificates. Extract those certificates by a script. Then use openssl to get the modulus. Check gcd of those modulus one-by-one, we got the common prime of the 1st modulus and the 99th modulus.Untitled

Then, we can factor them and create a private key file then import to wireshark to decrypt the traffic. Open wireshark –> edit –> preferences –>SSL –> edit RSA key lists then add 2 private key files obove.


File –> export objects –> HTTP to export flag.


ASIS Quals 2017 – F-4 Phantom – 176 points


With F-4 Phantom II, we want to break the encryption! Please help us!!


‍‍‍nc 54979


Here is the [K]ey generating fuction

As we can see, a prime p is chosen random, another number is created by change 2 bit of p, then find the prime next to that number as q. The modulus n=p*q.

Let len is the length of p in bits minus, k is a natural number smaller than len and l=len-k, we have:


with x is a small number.

n can be represented as:


Let a=\pm2^{k-1}\pm2^{l-1}+\frac{x}{2} and b=p\pm2^{k-1}\pm2^{l-1}+\frac{x}{2}, now we have:


We have p and is odd primes so their difference is an even number, it means x is even and a, b is integers. Morever the integer a is closely with \pm2^{k-1}\pm2^{l-1}. So, if we know the random number k, we can factor n efficiently by travial method (similar to the Fermat’s factorization). Luckily, len is appropriate 540 so we have about 270 available value of k. Then we can brute force the value of k.

Now, extract the key by openssl:


By brute-forcing, we get k=117 and n be factored. Here is my script.

I got the elements, but i couldn’t find the modular inverse of e because e is a divisor of (p-1). So i used dq to compute m:

dq\equiv e^{-1}\; mod\; (q-1)

m \equiv c^{dq}\;mod\;q

but that result still isn’t the flag, after add some times of q, finally i got the flag:


ASIS Quals 2017 – A fine OTP server – 79 points


Connect to OTP generator server, and try to find one OTP.


nc 35156


Here is the [E]ncryption function.

As we can see, the otp is the concatenation of template_phrase and 18-bytes passphrase and the encrypted OTP are compute as:

c_1 \equiv otp_1^{3} \;mod\;n

c_2 \equiv otp_2^{3} \;mod\;n

The server uses 2048-bits key and the public exponent  is 3 (so small) and the otp is small too, so the cube of otp is smaller than the modulus. We can easily compute the otp by computing the cube root of encrypted OTP:

c_1 = opt_1^{3}



I got an encrypted OTP then computed with sage:


Submit the OTP and get the flag 😀


That’s all for this challenge. So easy.


ASIS Quals 2017 – DLP – 158 points


You should solve a DLP challenge, but how? Of course , you don’t expect us to give you a regular and boring DLP problem!

nc 28416


Here is the [C]ryptography function

As we can see, that fuction random n and s then compute:

enc\equiv (n+1)^{msg}\; mod\;n^{s+1}

We have:




Take a look at the Pascal’s triangle:


We can easily realize that :


We don’t care whatever the value of X is. We compute:

(a+1)^{n}\equiv a*n + 1\;mod\; n^{2}

 Then, if we have (a+1)^{n} we can compute n efficiently, luckily we already had (a+1)^{n}\;mod\;n^{s+1} with s+1 > 2

Now we compute n:

enc\equiv (n+1)^{msg}\; mod\;n^{s+1}

enc\equiv (n+1)*msg+1\; mod \;n^{2}

where (n+1)*msg+1 is smaller than n^{2} then:


I got the numbers like that


then compute:


I wonder if it was an easy challange or i solved it with a different method. I joked with my friend that was a “paper with one line of code challenge” 😀 😀

ASIS Quals 2017 – Secured OTP server – 268 points


Connect to OTP generator server, and try to find one OTP.
This is secure than first server 🙂

nc 12431


Here is the [E]ncryption fuction

This challenge is similar to the a fine OTP server challenge. The otp is the concatenation of template_phrase and 18-bytes passphrase and the encrypted OTP are compute as:

c_1 \equiv otp_1^{3} \;mod\;n (1)

c_2 \equiv otp_2^{3} \;mod\;n

but now, the template_phrase  is longer. So, the otp cubed now larger than the modulus n and we can’t compute the otp as the cube root of the encrypted OTP. 

The server use 2048-bits key with the public exponent is 3. We can use openssl or python to extract the key.


Let take a look at the equation:

(a+b)^{3}=a^{3}+3a^{2}b+3ab^{2}+b^{3} (2)

Let the otp0 is the otp with the 18-null-bytes-passphrase, otherwise, otp0 is the concatenation of template_phrase and 18-bytes “\x00”, then we have the difference between otp0 and otp1 is the passphrase.

otp_1=otp_0+passphrase_1 (3)

Combine equations (1), (2) and (3), let a = otp0, b = passphrase1, we have:

c_1\equiv otp_1^{3}\; mod\;n
c_1\equiv (otp_0+passphrase_0)^{3}\;mod\;n
c_1\equiv opt_0^{3}+3otp_0^{2}*passphrase_1+3otp_0*passphrase_1^{2}+passphrase_1^{3}\;mod\;n

We can easily compute the encrypted of otp0:

c_0\equiv otp_0^{3}\;mod\;n

then :

c_1\equiv c_0+3otp_0^{2}*passphrase_1+3otp_0*passphrase_1^{2}+passphrase_1^{3}\;mod\;n

c_1-c_0\equiv 3otp_0^{2}*passphrase_1+3otp_0*passphrase_1^{2}+passphrase_1^{3}\;mod\;n

Now, we have the right-side of the equation is smaller than the modulus then we can tranform that congruence equation into polynomial equation:

c_1-c_0 = 3otp_0^{2}*passphrase_1+3otp_0*passphrase_1^{2}+passphrase_1^{3}

Now, we can easily compute the passphrase1 by solving the cubic equation.


Submit the OTP and get the flag 😀


That ‘s all and the flag is “ASIS{gj____Finally_y0u_have_found_This_is_Franklin-Reiter’s_attack_CongratZ_ZZzZ!_!!!}”.

SVATTT vòng loại – readit – 150 điểm

Bài này cho 1 file pcap, mình cũng không biết làm gì cho tới khi có hint của BTC: “checksum”.

Để ý lại checksum của các packet từ đến ta thấy:

0x6544    ==>   “eD”

0x6243    ==>   “bC”

0x7742    ==>   “wB”

0x6441    ==>   “dA”

0x6440    ==>   “d@”

0x643f    ==>   “d?”


Screenshot from 2016-11-07 21:54:00.png

Để ý thấy mấy cái checksum nó không được random, byte cuối của checksum giảm dần nên mình đoán là nó không ảnh hưởng gì lắm đến flag (cùng lắm nó là số thứ tự 😀 )

Ghép tắt cả các byte đầu của checksum khả  nghi theo thứ tự ta được chuỗi:

str = “ebwddd=E\x88YJIAY?\x88CYMJIAYP\x88AYd\x88YU\x84LUCLxD\x85YDUHYUPM\x83CK;”


Ta thấy “ebwddd” giống với format “SVATTT” nên đoán đây chỉ là subtitution đơn giản. Thử các kiểu ta thấy ascii(flag)=184-ascii(str). Chạy 1 vòng for ra được flag:


SVATTT vòng loại – OTP chatbot – 400 điểm

Lần đầu tiên được thi SVATTT, cảm gíac khá thú vị!

Sở trường của mình là crypto mà vào thi thấy chỉ có 1 bài crypto mà tận 400 điểm, mình cũng ngán nhảy qua làm những bài easy hơn để kiếm điểm nên đến khi cuộc thi kết thúc vẫn không có thời gian để xem kỹ bài này. Về nhà xem lại thì thấy bài này không đến nỗi khó, có thể nói là bài này qúa dễ so với con số 400 điểm. Hoặc cách giải của mình khôgn phải là cách gỉai mong muốn của BTC. Mình nghiêng về ý thứ 2 😀

nc chatbot.svattt.org 5555


Ấn tượng đầu tiên sau khi đọc code là gía trị biến “encrypt_key” chỉ random 1 lần trong 1 session. Do đó, trong 1 lần kết nối ta có thể xem gía trị đó là cố định và chưa biết. Cả Flag và các “res” còn lại đều được encrypt bằng modulus đó (encrypt_key). Còn nếu các bạn không hiểu modulus hay RSA là gì thì tham khảo tại đây

Lan man đủ rồi, phần chính bắt đầu từ đây 😀

Netcat vào, chat “FLAG?” bot sẽ trả về:

enc_flag = encrypt(b2n(FLAG), encrypt_key)

và 1 cái signature, tạm thời mình không quan tâm tới gía trị này.

greet = [“‘sup bro”, “hey”, “*nods*”, “hey you get my snap?”]

Khi chat “hi” con bot sẽ chọn ngẫu nhiên 1 trong 4 string trong greet để encrypt rồi trả về:

enc = encrypt(b2n(res), encrypt_key)

         = b2n(res) ^ 65537 % encrypt_key

==> b2n(res) ^ 65537 -enc =k * encrypt_key

Vì res chỉ mang  4 gía trị khi mình chat “hi” nên enc cũng chỉ mang 4 gía trị và ta có:

b2n(res_1) ^ 65537 – enc_1 = k_1 * encrypt_key = x_1

b2n(res_2) ^ 65537 – enc_2 = k_2 * encrypt_key =x_2

Và điều thú vị ở đây là: gcd(x_1, x_2) CÓ THỂ chính là encrypt_key

Dựa vào đó, ta có thể tìm encrypt_key bằng cách thu thập đủ 4 gía trị “enc” rồi test thử với từng “res”, gía trị nào tầm 100bytes là “chính nó” 😀 (theo thực tế thì trong tất cả gía trị tìm được chỉ có 1 nên không phải buâng khuâng :D)

Cứ thế reset kết nối và lập lại các bước để tìm ra gía trị encrypt_key cho đến khi tìm được encrypt_key có thể factor thành các prime nhỏ. Flag được tính dễ dàng bằng phi(encrypt_key) tính được từ các prime tìm được ở trên.

d = e^-1 % phi

flag = enc_flag ^d %n

Flag: SVATTT{CRT_CRT_CRT_101!!!!}

Đây là số liệu mình tìm được, các bạn tham khảo!

Bài này mình không dùng đến N, signature, hint đề cho cũng như CRT như trong flag đề cập nên không biết đây có phải là 1 expected solution không 😀

Boston Key Party CTF 2016- Bob’s hat-4 points

Dữ kiện đề cho file (do sever đã đóng nên mình tạm lấy file trên mạng)

          Decription: Alice and bob are close together, likely because they have a lot of things in common. This is why Alice asked him a small *q*uestion, about something cooler than a wiener.

          Sau khi extract ra ta thấy có 3 file trong đó có 1 file encrypted, 1 file pub và 1 file zip đã được đặt pass. Ta có thể đoán được đề yêu cầu từ file encrypted và public key ta phải decrypt để có được key dùng cho file zip.

          Dùng openssl để xem trong file pub có gì

openssl rsa -pubin -in almost_almost_almost_almost_there.pub -text

Screenshot from 2016-03-09 01:14:54.png

          Ta có:







          Muốn decrypt được ciphertext thì cần phải có được private key, muốn có được private key thì ta cần phải cố gắng factor được n. Ta biết nếu p và q xấp xỉ bằng nhau và xấp xỉ căn bậc 2 của n hay nói cách khác |p-q| rất nhỏ so với n thì ta có thể brute force để tìm p và q. Bằng 1 đoạn script sage nhỏ ta có thể tính được p và q dễ dàng.


if a%2==0:


while 1:

if n % a == 0:

print a , “\n” , n/a



          Tính được p, q ta dễ dàng tìm được d và decrypt được cipher text.

Screenshot from 2016-03-09 02:19:50


         Tìm được key đem extract file .zip ta lại được 3 file tương tự 😦 nhưng tên file thì ngắn hơn.Tương tự như trên dùng openssl để xem n và e. Ta được:







          Thử với cách cũ thấy brute force không thành công (qúa lâu), ta tìm cách khác. Ta tính thử GCD(n,n2). Ta thấy GCD này không bằng 1 tức n2 và n một ước chung khác 1, từ 1 ước đã biết của n2 ta có thể tìm ước còn lại của n2 1 cách dễ dàng bằng cách lấy n2 chia cho GCD (n , n2)







         Có p, q ta có thể tính được m tương tự như trên. Ta được:


          Extract ta lại được 3 file, với file .pub ta được:







         Thử với 2 cách ở trên đều không thành công, ta thử factor n với 1 tool online. Bingo! N3 được cấu thành từ 2 số nguyên tố trong đó có 1 số nguyên tố nhỏ nên dễ dàng được factor theo kiểu truyền thống. Ta được:







         Từ p3, q3 ta được:


         Ta lại được 3 file, ban tổ chức ra đề nhây thật 😦 nhưng có vẻ đây là file cuối cùng rồi vì trong file .zip là 1 file mang tên flag 🙂 Hi vọng.











         Ta thấy e4 có đến 1023 bits trong khi n chỉ có 1024 bits – Ta biết với số e càng lớn thì số d sẽ càng nhỏ, và nếu số d nhỏ hơn (n^0.25)/3 thì ta có thể tấn công bằng phương pháp Wiener attack, trên phần mô tả đề bài lại có  đề cập đến Wiener nên cơ hội cao ta đang đi đúng hướng.Viết 1 đoạn code sage nhỏ để tính, ta thu được







         Từ p4, q4 ta được:


         Extract ra ta được flag: BKPCTF{Its_not_you,_its_rsa_(that_is_broken)}